Article Information:
Trace Elements Composition of Achatina achatina Samples from the Madina Market in Accra, Ghana
A.K. Anim, M. Ackah, J.R. Fianko, L. Kpattah, J. Osei, Y. Serfor-Armah and E.T. Gyamfi
Corresponding Author: Anim Alfred Kwablah
Submitted: 2011 April, 06
Accepted: 2011 May, 03
Published: 2011 August, 10 |
This research was carried out to assess the composition and sources of trace elements in seventeen
Achatina achatina samples obtained from the Madina Market. The trace elements were analyzed using Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer (VARIAN AA 240 FS) and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA).
The highest mean Concentration, 2240.5 mg/kg was measured for chlorine while the least mean concentration,
0.13 mg/kg was measured for Magnessium. The mean elemental Concentrations were in the order
Cl>Ca>Na>Al>Fe>Cu>Zn>Ni>Mn>K>V>Mg. Pearson Correlation matrix, Principal Component(PC)
Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (CA) shows varying sources of the trace elements, however there
is great interrelationships regarding their sources. The correlation matrix at 99% confidence level loaded the
components Al-Fe-Mn, Ca-Cl-Mg, Cl-Mg-Na, Fe-V, and Ni-V. PC1 which loaded Ca, Cl, Mg, Na, Ni, and
V agrees very well with CA1. A similar trend is shown in CA2 and PC2 with Al, Fe and Mn loadings. The
geology of the original habitat of the samples which is characterized by Shales, Quartzite and Feldsphalthic
sandstone together with anthropogenic inputs from fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides have been identified
as the possible sources of the elements. All the elements analysed in the samples were essential elements.
Key words: Anthropogenic, cluster analysis, concentration, correlation, geology and principal component, ,
Cite this Reference:
A.K. Anim, M. Ackah, J.R. Fianko, L. Kpattah, J. Osei, Y. Serfor-Armah and E.T. Gyamfi, . Trace Elements Composition of Achatina achatina Samples from the Madina Market in Accra, Ghana. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, (5): 564-570.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0492
ISSN (Print): 2041-0484 |
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