Article Information:
Adapting a Heuristic Oriented Methodology for Achieving Minimum Number of Late Jobs with Identical Processing Machines
Hadi Mokhtari
Corresponding Author: Hadi Mokhtari
Submitted: 2011 December, 10
Accepted: 2012 January, 27
Published: 2012 February, 01 |
This study deals with an identical parallel machines scheduling problem where the objective is to
minimize the number of jobs be late. The decision on this problem is known as a NP-Hard case. Hence, in this
paper, a novel heuristic evolutionary technique which is based on a simple principle, easy to implement, with
excellent evolutionary performance, is designed to achieve the optimal/near optimal solution for the considered
issue. A sequence of solutions are generated by iterating over a greedy construction heuristic in terms of
destruction and construction phases and then an improving local search is conducted to more improve the search
performance. In order to assess the effectiveness of the heuristic, some simulation experiments are carried out
which reveal out performance of the proposed heuristic as opposed to the traditional evolutionary framework.
Key words: Construction/destruction, greedy operations, heuristic algorithm, late jobs, parallel machines, production scheduling,
Cite this Reference:
Hadi Mokhtari, . Adapting a Heuristic Oriented Methodology for Achieving Minimum Number of Late Jobs with Identical Processing Machines. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (03): 245-248.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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