Article Information:
E-BEB Algorithm to Improve Quality of Service on Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
Mohammed Al-Hubaishi, Tariq Abdullah, Raed Alsaqour and Amine Berqia
Corresponding Author: Raed Ali Alsaqour
Submitted: 2011 November, 10
Accepted: 2011 December, 09
Published: 2012 April, 01 |
The Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is the main element which determines the system
throughput in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) IEEE 802.11 standard. The MAC technique of the
IEEE 802.11 protocol is called Distributed Coordination Function (DCF). In DCF, stations contend for the use
of the channel in distributed manner via the use of the Carrier Sensing Multiple Access with Collision
Avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol. In the CSMA/CA protocol, each station sets up a Backoff time according
to a randomly selected interval from zero to the Contention Window (CW) for an additional deferral time before
transmitting. The random Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) algorithm is used to randomize moments at which
stations try to access the wireless medium. However, in the random Backoff mechanism, packet collisions are
not entirely eliminated, and the system throughput decreases when the number of stations is large, and there
is no fairness between stations. The BEB algorithm has a number of disadvantages; one crucial disadvantage
is the problem of fairness. In this paper, we analyze the behavior of the BEB algorithm used in IEEE 802.11
standard. We propose an Enhanced Binary Exponential Backoff (E-BEB) algorithm to improve the fairness of
the channel access for BEB algorithm. Our E-BEB algorithm adjusts the way of increase or decrease of the
contention window CW based on the number of the frame which is sent successfully. We propose several
configurations, and we use NS2 simulator to analyze the network's fairness of the channel access of the E-BEB
algorithm. The simulation results show that compared with other algorithms like BEB or Improved BEB (IBEB),
the E-BEB algorithm improves the fairness of the channel access and increases the network's throughput
capacity; which is an valuable Quality of Service (QoS) parameter.
Key words: Ad-Hoc, backoff algorithm, CW, DCF, fairness, QoS,
Cite this Reference:
Mohammed Al-Hubaishi, Tariq Abdullah, Raed Alsaqour and Amine Berqia, . E-BEB Algorithm to Improve Quality of Service on Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (07): 807-812.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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