Article Information:
Designing a Model for Measuring the Quality of Educational Services of Universities and Evaluating the Quality of Educational Services of Master of Art fields in Tarbiat Moallem University in Iran by using a Designed Model
Seyed keramat Hosseini
Corresponding Author: Seyed keramat Hosseini
Submitted: March 23, 2012
Accepted: April 24, 2012
Published: November 01, 2012 |
One of the influential factors on the success of all organizations and governmental and nongovernmental
institutes is their customers’ satisfaction. On the other hand, one of the influential factors on the
customers’ satisfaction is the quality of the given services by that organization. The educational system of the
country as an organization has got so many responsibilities in the society which the most important of these
responsibilities serving the high quality education. However, there are no specific methods for measuring the
quality of the educational services. Therefore, the goal of this study is presentation a model for measuring the
quality of the educational services. In this research we are looking for a model for measuring the quality of the
educational services by considering the population including 414 of students and teachers of Tarbiat Modarres
University at the time period of 2012. Accordingly, a questionnaire was made for the purpose of testing the five
hypothesis of the research and finally all of them are studied based on the five aspects which should be
considered for measuring the quality of the educational services including the physical appearance and facilities
of the organization, reliability, the degree of responsiveness, quality assurance and the customers’ empathy or
understanding. The results of the research indicate that the students’ expectations are more than their
understanding in all of the five aspects of the educational services.
Key words: Educational service quality, educational service quality aspect, measurement of educational service quality, , , ,
Cite this Reference:
Seyed keramat Hosseini, . Designing a Model for Measuring the Quality of Educational Services of Universities and Evaluating the Quality of Educational Services of Master of Art fields in Tarbiat Moallem University in Iran by using a Designed Model. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (21): 4325-4332.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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