Article Information:
Secure Image Steganography
C. Bharathi, A. Divya Bhagya, N.R. Lakshmi and J. Kalai Selvi
Corresponding Author: C. Bharathi
Submitted: March 18, 2012
Accepted: April 23, 2012
Published: December 15, 2012 |
The aim of this study is to study the requirements of hiding information digitally while maintaining
the integrity of hidden information. So that the stego of object remains unchanged or almost unchange the
human eyes. If stego object changes significantly a third party may see that information is being hidden and
therefore could attempt to extract or destroy it. Steganography is used to convert historical documents into 1
and 0’s that is digital format. This digital conversion gives more advantages for document preparation,
maintenance, storage etc and reduces complexity as well as space occupied by the historical documents. In
addition to this, it supports the point of digital data recoding based on system design. In this digital data
processing, like analysis, filter, conversions, reproduction and rematch the number of times synchronizing the
digital data with a help of stream action. These are all processed with the help of the digital to analog
conversions. These above processes are taking place with the help of some standard as well as non standard
interfacing of processors with an order of protocols. With a help of above techniques the captured data is
studied, regurgitated, number of times played back with synched data stream. It has been developed for the
purpose of making several security-based transactions. The confidential or important information, which if sent
in normal format, may be misused. This can be avoided by making use of this system. The mechanism, which
is used to hide the digital file in the image files, is known as Steganography.
Key words: Digital format, image files, security, steganography, transaction, ,
Cite this Reference:
C. Bharathi, A. Divya Bhagya, N.R. Lakshmi and J. Kalai Selvi, . Secure Image Steganography. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (24): 5410-5415.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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