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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2009(Vol.1, Issue:3)
Article Information:

Bioactivities of Protein Isolated from Marine Sponge, Sigmadocia fibulatus

S. Boobathy, P. Soundarapandian, V. Subasri, N. Vembu and V. Gunasundari
Corresponding Author:  P. Soundarapandian 
Submitted: 2009 August, 10
Accepted: 2009 Sep., 02
The marine sponge Sigmadocia fibulatus, collected from Tuticorin coast, was studied for antibacterial and antifungal activity of proteins. Sponge species identified based on spicules morphology. Chloroform and aqueous extracts yielded a total amount of 6.8g and 5.5g from 500g of sponge respectively. Crude protein from the sponge was extracted the concentration of 2.82 g/mL in aqueous and 1.93 mg/mL in chloroform extract. The antimicrobial activity of crude extract against bacterial and fungal pathogens showed the clear inhibition zone against Vibrio cholerae and Aspergillus niger in chloroform extract and aqueous extracts showed clear inhibition zone for Pseudomonas sp. and Candida albicans. Both the extracts exhibited hemolytic activity which was estimated as 11.09ht/mg for chloroform extract and 9.8ht/mg for aqueous extract. The partial purification of protein is done by using DEAE cellulose. On SDS-PAGE the crude protein yielded three well defined bands at 109.9, 28.2, 12.4 KDa in both the extracts. The Fatty acid profile showed the dominance of myristic acid (14.67%) in the case of aqueous and chloroform extracts.

Key words:  Sigmadocia fibulatus, Vibrio cholerae, chloroform exract, myristic acid, Aspergillus niger, ,
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Cite this Reference:
S. Boobathy, P. Soundarapandian, V. Subasri, N. Vembu and V. Gunasundari, . Bioactivities of Protein Isolated from Marine Sponge, Sigmadocia fibulatus. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (3): Page No: 160-162.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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