Article Information:
Application of Knowledge Management in Customer Relationship Management Processes
Vahid Majazi Dalfard, Ahmad Jafari and Tohid Alizadeh
Corresponding Author: Vahid Majazi Dalfard
Submitted: January 19, 2012
Accepted: February 17, 2012
Published: June 15, 2012 |
Customer relationship management processes can be considered as processes with knowledge
increase that their performance is affected by providing knowledge of product, markets and customers. So,
using knowledge management capabilities result in taking advantage through customer knowledge flow in the
processes. This article addresses knowledge management applications in customer relationship management
processes. Studies showed that in general organizations use customers knowledge in customer portfolio
management, developing customer divisions, marketing communications and marketing promotion, product
quality, creating a new product, defining commercial processes of customer services, supporting customer
communication center and customer knowledge sales.
Key words: Customer relationship management, customer knowledge, knowledge management, , , ,
Cite this Reference:
Vahid Majazi Dalfard, Ahmad Jafari and Tohid Alizadeh, . Application of Knowledge Management in Customer Relationship Management Processes. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (12): 1762-1766.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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