Article Information:
Experimental Investigation of Sprocket Tooth Form Effect on Dynamic Tension of Silent Chain
Wei Sun, Xiaolun Liu and Jianfang Liu
Corresponding Author: Jianfang Liu
Submitted: 2011 December, 13
Accepted: 2012 January, 13
Published: 2012 April, 01 |
The study's aim was to get ANSI sprocket tooth profile and involute sprocket tooth profile for effects
on dynamic tension of chains in the silent chain drive, and analyse and compare the advantages and
disadvantages of the different tooth profiles to choose more practical tooth profile from the two sprockets.
Current collector was used to test the dynamic tension when straight sprocket and involute sprocket engaged
with the same silent chain. And experimental data measured were analyzed in the amplitude domain and
frequency domain. Test results indicate that the probability of tension appearing in the different numerical size
and power spectral densities of load in the different frequencies of the involute tooth form are better than of
straight tooth form, which show that the involute sprocket has been good working properties. In addition, taking
the advantages of involute tooth profile into account in the process, the involute tooth form is recommended
in universal sprocket tooth form of the actual use.
Key words: Current collector, dynamic tension, silent chain drive, sprocket tooth form, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Wei Sun, Xiaolun Liu and Jianfang Liu, . Experimental Investigation of Sprocket Tooth Form Effect on Dynamic Tension of Silent Chain. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (07): 846-850.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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