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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

2013(Vol.5, Issue:06)
Article Information:

Assessment of the HRM Practices and Quality Initiatives from the Academic and Managerial Viewpoint (A Study of NAAC Accredited Institutions in Hyderabad-India)

Mahnaz Hemmati Noedoust Gilani, Mohammad Sadeghi Zadeh and Sajedeh Sadeghizadeh
Corresponding Author:  Mahnaz Hemmati Noedoust Gilani 
Submitted: July 26, 2012
Accepted: September 08, 2012
Published: February 21, 2013
The main focus of this study is on the HRM practices and quality initiatives in the institutions accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council in India. This is a Post Facto study. The sample size taken up for the study consists of 260 faculty members and 100 managements. The collected data were analyzed by using ‘t’ test, Chi-square analysis, ANOVA and Pearson correlation method. The major findings of this study have indicated that regarding the professional knowledge, there is significant difference between regional and state university. There is a high correlation among all aspects of HRM practices, HRM Qualities and competencies (Professional Knowledge- Professional Skills-Personal attitude and values) and all of the components play an important role as HRM practices and Quality Initiatives in Higher Education. In case of the HRM practices, Qualities and Competencies, there is no significant difference in the Institutes.

Key words:  Accreditation, assessment, higher education, HRM practices, NAAC, quality initiatives ,
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Cite this Reference:
Mahnaz Hemmati Noedoust Gilani, Mohammad Sadeghi Zadeh and Sajedeh Sadeghizadeh, . Assessment of the HRM Practices and Quality Initiatives from the Academic and Managerial Viewpoint (A Study of NAAC Accredited Institutions in Hyderabad-India). Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (06): 2027-2035.
ISSN (Online):  2040-7467
ISSN (Print):   2040-7459
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