Article Information:
I2BCFC: An Effective Intra-Inter Block Control Flow Checking Method Against Single Event Upsets
Seyyed Amir Asghari, Atena Abdi, Hassan Taheri, Hossein Pedram and Saadat Pourmozaffari
Corresponding Author: Hassan Taheri
Submitted: April 17, 2012
Accepted: May 14, 2012
Published: November 01, 2012 |
This study presents Intra-Inter Block Control Flow Checking method (I2BCFC) based on
software instruction level redundancy for intra-inter block control flow errors detection. In utilizing
electronic equipment, space applications designers have two options ahead: radiation-hardening or
radiation-tolerant equipment and Commercial Off-The Shelf (COTS) equipment which COTS is the
appropriate option due to some reasons like cost and accessibility in many applications. COTS equipment
in applications like space missions do not have tolerance capability against some threats such as Single
Event Upsets (SEU). Therefore, there should be considerations in resisting these equipment against
possible threats. I2BCFC as a technique for COTS reliability increase, has the overhead of 29% in memory
in relation to the without code redundancy and this rate has at least 11% improvement in memory overhead
in comparison with the previous methods. I2BCFC method has the average performance overheard of 27%
in comparison with the normal state of program that it is 5% better than the previous methods.
Key words: Commercial off-the-shelf , control flow, error detection, radiation-hardening, radiation tolerant, ,
Cite this Reference:
Seyyed Amir Asghari, Atena Abdi, Hassan Taheri, Hossein Pedram and Saadat Pourmozaffari, . I2BCFC: An Effective Intra-Inter Block Control Flow Checking Method Against Single Event Upsets. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (21): 4367-4379.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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