Article Information:
Loss Allocation using Cooperation Game Theory Method
Ahmad Rostamian, Javad Norouzi, Mosa Yousefzadeh and Saed Rostami
Corresponding Author: Ahmad Rostamian
Submitted: April 03, 2012
Accepted: May 10, 2012
Published: November 15, 2012 |
Changing the structure of electrical energy markets from traditional to the restructured state,
considering the loss allocation has been unavoidable. The importance of this case is because the amount of loss
consist significant part of total electrical energy. Cost in power system is a nonlinear function of power so using
linear method such as pro rata method could not be efficient. On the other hand, applied function must consider
both network particulars and participation rate in power supplying (generators) and power consumption (loads).
The purpose of this literature is to present an applicable and modern solution for loss allocation of transmission
lines in bilateral exchanges, to do so; cooperation Games theory has been applied to loss allocation in Shapley
Value method. This method has been tested on a 4 bus systems and a 14 bus IEEE. Results showed that the
above mentioned method has been much applicable, honest and less time consuming with an easier computation
beside it includes total network losses.
Key words: Coalitions , game theory, loss allocation, players, shapley value, ,
Cite this Reference:
Ahmad Rostamian, Javad Norouzi, Mosa Yousefzadeh and Saed Rostami, . Loss Allocation using Cooperation Game Theory Method. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (22): 4742-4747.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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