Article Information:
Investigating the Influence of Work Environment Factors on Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Determining the Most Important Ones at Mahan Air Company
Ishak Mad Shah, Sara Ghaffari and Azadeh Tourani
Corresponding Author: Ishak Mad Shah
Submitted: April 03, 2012
Accepted: April 17, 2012
Published: December 01, 2012 |
The purpose of this empirical research is to investigate the influence of work environment factors
on employees’ job satisfaction at Mahan Air Company in Iran and determine the most important work
environment factors for Mahan air employees. Today all the managers know how important job satisfaction is
for all the employees of the organizations. Several factors influence employees’ job satisfaction such as external
environment factors, technical environment factors and also work environment. This research focus on
investigating the influence of work environment factors on employees’ job satisfaction. This survey conducted
in seven departments of Mahan Air Company. Findings of the research indicate that all the work environment
factors have significant influence on employees’ job satisfaction at Mahan Air but employee participation has
the greatest influence on employees’ job satisfaction and performance feedback has the least influence. In
conclusion, the research helps the managers of Mahan Air Company to obtain a better comprehension of various
components of the work environment and the influence of these factors on employees’ job satisfaction.
Key words: Job satisfaction, mahan air, work environment factors, , , ,
Cite this Reference:
Ishak Mad Shah, Sara Ghaffari and Azadeh Tourani, . Investigating the Influence of Work Environment Factors on Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Determining the Most Important Ones at Mahan Air Company. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (23): 5108-5122.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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