Article Information:
Investigation on Synthesis of Zinc Oxide-Polyethylene Oxide Composite Nano-Fibers by Electrospinning Method
F. Ashrafi and S.A. Babanejad
Corresponding Author: F. Ashrafi
Submitted: March 31, 2012
Accepted: April 17, 2012
Published: September 15, 2012 |
Studying on nano-fibers is an interesting investigation because of their very small diameter and this
gives them a very extent surface area in relation to their volume. Surface interaction of nano fibers is greater
than different structure of materials because of their extent surface area. Geometrically, nano-fibers arranged
in one dimensional materials category. These one dimensional structures have special properties comparing to
other materials, because of their high flexibility and inelasticity characteristics. If the core of nano-fiber is filled
by nano particles then they will have a nano-fibers structure. In this study electrospinning method has selected
for nano fiber and nano composite synthesis, among the different methods. Essentially, electrospinning process
is based on tensioning a polymer solution under high voltage. Firstly, nano particles of zinc oxide have
processed by chemical method and then these they were used in synthesis of zinc oxide-polymer composite
nano-fibers. These synthetic composite nano fibers were studied by Raman scattering, UV-Visible and IR
spectroscopy, also by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electronic Microscopy (TEM).
The results of Raman characterization affirm formation of ZnO nano particles in the form of Poly Vinyl
Pyrrolidone (PVP) polymer fibers. SEM images show that the synthesized nano fibers PEO/ZnO have an
average diameter of 277 nm. SEM images have shown also, the diameter of these nano fibers is not the same
along their length, i.e., they have not the same cross section along the length of nano fiber.
Key words: Composite nano-fiber, electrospinning, nano particles, raman scattering spectroscopy, SEM, ,
Cite this Reference:
F. Ashrafi and S.A. Babanejad, . Investigation on Synthesis of Zinc Oxide-Polyethylene Oxide Composite Nano-Fibers by Electrospinning Method. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (18): 3386-3390.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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