Article Information:
Evaluating of Broadcasting Uniformity of Centrifugal and Oscillating Granular Broadcasters
Alireza Sanaeifar and Mohammad Javad Sheikhdavoodi
Corresponding Author: Alireza Sanaeifar
Submitted: March 08, 2012
Accepted: March 30, 2012
Published: August 01, 2012 |
The uniformity and accuracy of chemical fertilizer and seed broadcasting on field surface are
significant parameters of broadcaster performance. Improper and inaccurate broadcasting causes abnormal and
nonhomogeneous soil fertility which is against to the purposes of sustainable agriculture. Broadcasters also are
used for planting seeds like wheat, barley etc.,soit’s appropriate performance effect on crop production. The
results of this study help us to analyze broadcaster performance parameters and choose suitable device for best
fitting to our purposes. In this research, the uniformity performance of oscillating and centrifugal broadcaster
was studied. The research was done using factorial experiment in form of randomized complete block design
with three factors and three replications. Three factors were used:1- broadcaster type including oscillating and
centrifugal, 2-Material types to be broadcasted including a)urea fertilizer, b)ammonium phosphate fertilizer and
c)wheat seed with different mass and density were used and 3- broadcasters gate opening rates(two levels
including fully open and semi-open outlet gate). All treatments were applied according to ASAE S341.2, 1999
test code. The EXCEL datasheet was used to provide histogram of broadcasting pattern. The performance
parameters used were the uniformity of each broadcaster that was measured by using broadcasting pattern and
astatistical index, coefficient of variation. The analysis was done with the 99% level of confidence which
showed that oscillating broadcaster had higher broadcasting uniformity than centrifugal broadcaster. Also
results showed that increasing the average of particles mass would increase the uniformity of broadcasting.
Results indicated that increasing broadcasting rate due to increasing output flow rate of particles, would
decrease uniformity of broadcasting.
Key words: Centrifugal broadcasters, oscillating broadcasting, uniformity of broadcasting, , , ,
Cite this Reference:
Alireza Sanaeifar and Mohammad Javad Sheikhdavoodi, . Evaluating of Broadcasting Uniformity of Centrifugal and Oscillating Granular Broadcasters. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (15): 2460-2468.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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