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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2009(Vol.1, Issue:2)
Article Information:

Length-weight Relationship and Relative Condition Factor inThenus Or ientalis (Lund, 1793) along East Coast of India

Soumendra Nath Saha, P. Vijayanand and S. Rajagopal
Corresponding Author:  Vijayanand. P 
Submitted: 2009 June, 02
In order to focus sand lobsters T. orientalis from the eastern coast of India, study on their lengthweight relationships and relative condition factor w as carried out for a period of one year. A total of 824 specimens of T. orientalis ranging from 58mm to 252 mm were collected from the Mudasal odai landing center. The Total Length (TL) and weight was measured. Comprising of 543 males and 281 females were used for this study. The length-weight relationships shows the b values obtained for males and females are 2.9161 and 2.9758. The b value for females was slightly higher than males because of their faster growth rate in the younger size groups. During the present study, in the length-weight relationship of T. orientalis the weight increased proportionately to an increase in length in males and females. It is clear from the above that the difference in all the morphological relationships between the two sexes of T. orientalis is very narrow. Thus it is clear that these fishes maintain its body shape throughout its life with slow growth rate. The peak minimum value of Kn based on length wise for males and females were recorded at 93 and 97mm (TL) respectively. The Kn value for males and females was higher during March and April Lower values of ‘Kn’ for males and females were recorded during the length at first maturity.

Key words:  lobsters,, T. orientalis,, eastern coast,, India,, length-weight,, condition factor,
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Cite this Reference:
Soumendra Nath Saha, P. Vijayanand and S. Rajagopal, . Length-weight Relationship and Relative Condition Factor inThenus Or ientalis (Lund, 1793) along East Coast of India. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (2): Page No: 11-14.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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