Article Information:
Residual Stress Analysis on High-Speed Face Milling of AA 7075-T6 Aluminium Alloy
F.V. Díaz, C.A. Mammana and A.P.M. Guidobono
Corresponding Author: F.V. Diaz
Submitted: 2012 February, 16
Accepted: March 24, 2012
Published: |
Different states of residual stress generated by high-speed face milling in specimens of AA 7075-T6 aluminium alloy were meticulously evaluated. This assessment was carried out along the symmetry axes of the generated surfaces, and also in the centroids corresponding to the conventional and climb cutting zones. An indentation method, based on the use of a universal measuring machine, was employed to determine the normal and shear components of residual stress. It is noteworthy that the use of this method makes possible to significantly reduce the absolute error of measurement. Different Mohr's circles were evaluated to compare the residual stress states introduced in the conventional and climb cutting zones. Finally, the results were analyzed in terms of mechanical and thermal effects generated in the primary cutting zone.
Key words: Residual stresses, Stress tensors, High-speed machining, Face milling, Aluminium alloy, ,
Cite this Reference:
F.V. Díaz, C.A. Mammana and A.P.M. Guidobono, . Residual Stress Analysis on High-Speed Face Milling of AA 7075-T6 Aluminium Alloy. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (17): 3083-3087.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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