Article Information:
Analysis and Improvement of Encryption Algorithm Based on Blocked and Chaotic Image Scrambling
Yunpeng Zhang, Peng Sun, Liang Yi, Yongqiang Ma and Ziyi Guo
Corresponding Author: Yunpeng Zhang
Submitted: April 17, 2012
Accepted: May 06, 2012
Published: September 15, 2012 |
Based on blocked image scrambling encryption, this study presents a new image encryption
algorithm by introducing chaos theory. This algorithm firstly makes spatial scrambling based on image blocking
in order to interrupt pixel position, then furthering this interruption through Arnold Mapping in the chaos and
transforms pixel RGB color space through optimized Arnold Mapping. After this process, we get the final
encrypted image through a series of iteration. This algorithm has a lot of advantages such as a large key space,
high effectiveness and resisting common attack successfully, but it needs improvements on some aspects, such
as the key sensitivity
Key words: Blocking, chaos, cryptography, image, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Yunpeng Zhang, Peng Sun, Liang Yi, Yongqiang Ma and Ziyi Guo, . Analysis and Improvement of Encryption Algorithm Based on Blocked and Chaotic Image Scrambling. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (18): 3440-3447.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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