Article Information:
Effect of Realistic Vehicular Traces on the Performance of Broadcasting Techniques in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Sanjoy Das and D.K. Lobiyal
Corresponding Author: Sanjoy Das
Submitted: April 27, 2012
Accepted: May 18, 2012
Published: September 15, 2012 |
In this study, performance analysis of different broadcasting methods i.e., flooding and
probabilistic broadcasting inside the geocast region has been done. We have considered an urban scenario
where radio transmission is obstructed due to presence of high rise buildings, trees and other objects. Our
objective is to provide a comparative analysis between flooding and probabilistic methods with varying
traffic density and nodes speed in VANET. Different values of probability for probabilistic broadcast
method have been considered to investigate an appropriate value that may give best results. To generate
real traces of vehicles movement VanetMobiSim is used. The mobility model considered is Intelligent
Driver Model with Intersection Management. We have considered different types of traffic conditions
based on number of vehicles present in the network in a particular time period are Sparse, Intermediate and
Dense. The results obtained shows that in dense traffic scenario probabilistic broadcasting method achieves
maximum packet delivery ratio is 83.9412% when p = 0.1. In sparsely populated network the PDR are low
as compared to other traffic conditions. The minimum value of PDR obtained is 21.0455% when number of
node is 50 and p = 0.8. Simulations have been conducted using the NS-2 simulator and for result analysis
used awk programming, Matlab is used.
Key words: Ad hoc networks, flooding, IDM_IM, mobility model, packet delivery ratio, probabilistic broadcast, urban area
Cite this Reference:
Sanjoy Das and D.K. Lobiyal, . Effect of Realistic Vehicular Traces on the Performance of Broadcasting Techniques in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (18): 3439-3500.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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