Article Information:
Design and Analysis of Multiband Hybrid Coupled Octagonal Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Applications
A. Sahaya Anselin Nisha and T. Jayanthy
Corresponding Author: A.Sahaya Anselin Nisha
Submitted: June 02, 2012
Accepted: July 09, 2012
Published: January 01, 2013 |
This study deals with a design procedure of microstrip patch antenna for wireless application. The
proposed octagon shaped hybrid coupled microstrip antenna for multiband operation is pertinent in wireless
application. By exciting two orthogonal modes by 90° time phase difference in hybrid coupling circular polarization
is obtained. The gain is enhanced by introducing tapering at the end of hybrid coupling. The design simulation is
done using Method of Moment based software. The proposed antenna is resonating in the frequency range of 2-4
GHz. Hybrid coupled octagonal patch antenna having gain of 9.11 dB and the directivity of 8.98 dB. Power radiated
by this antenna is 0.038 watts.
Key words: FR4 substrate, hybrid coupler, multiband operation, network analyzer, octagonal shape, patch antenna,
Cite this Reference:
A. Sahaya Anselin Nisha and T. Jayanthy, . Design and Analysis of Multiband Hybrid Coupled Octagonal Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Applications. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (01): 275-279.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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