Article Information:
Ship Detection of Remote Sensing Image on FRHT and Multi-Points Curvature Based Polygon Approximation
Wang Luo, Weixing Wang, Fangnian Lang and Guan Gui
Corresponding Author: Wang Luo
Submitted: October 12, 2011
Accepted: December 20, 2011
Published: August 01, 2012 |
One of the most difficult tasks of ship detection is detecting the ship which is docking at the port in
remote sensing image. Traditional methods of automatic detection cannot be used to detect the land/waterboundaries,
because both the gray values and textural features of a port are similar to those of the ships which
are docking at the port. Therefore, ships cannot be accurately detected in this case. In this study, a novel method
of land/water-boundaries detection is proposed, which is based on a polygon approximation method by
incorporating two techniques, i.e., Fuzzy Randomized Hough Transform (FRHT) and Multi-Points Curvature
(MPC). The method considered the feature of human vision that the straight-line of the land/water-boundaries
can be detected more accurately and rapidly. With the detection result of land/water-boundaries, ships docking
at the port can be accurately detected. The experiment results demonstrate that this method can achieve good
result of ship detection.
Key words: Fuzzy Randomized Hough Transform (FRHT), Multi-Points Curvature (MPC), polygon approximation, remote sensing image, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Wang Luo, Weixing Wang, Fangnian Lang and Guan Gui, . Ship Detection of Remote Sensing Image on FRHT and Multi-Points Curvature Based Polygon Approximation. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (15): 2590-2599.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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