Article Information:
Roof Stability Evaluation of Bedded Rock Salt Cavern Used as Underground Gas Storage
Tongtao Wang, Xiangzhen Yan, Xiujuan Yang and Tingting Jiang
Corresponding Author: Xianyzhen Yan
Submitted: April 25, 2012
Accepted: May 29, 2012
Published: October 15, 2012 |
The cusp catastrophe model is proposed in the study to evaluate the roof stability factor of
natural gas storage cavern in bedded rock salt, which can overcome the shortages of traditional Strength
Reduction Finite Element (or difference) Method (SR FEM) that the failure criteria can not be precisely
given. The proposed model can greatly improve the calculating precision and has clear physical and
mathematical meanings. The numerical simulations of generic natural gas storage caverns in bedded rock
salt located in Jiangsu province of China are carried out based on the proposed model to evaluate the
stability factor of cavern roof. In addition, parameters are studied to investigate the stability factors as
functions of the buried depth, roof span, roof salt thickness and roof salt Young's modulus, overlying nonsalt
thickness, overlying non-salt Young's modulus and gas pressure, etc. The examples show that the
proposed model is precise and correct, which can meet the actual engineering demands. The stability factor
of cavern roof is equidirectional with the increase of roof salt thickness, roof salt stiffness, overlying nonsalt
thickness, overlying non-salt stiffness and gas pressure, but reverse to the increase of buried depth and
roof span. Our methods provide a new way to evaluate the roof stability factor of natural gas storage cavern
in bedded rock salt.
Key words: Bedded rock salt cavern, cusp catastrophe model, merical simulnuation, roof stability, strength reduction, ,
Cite this Reference:
Tongtao Wang, Xiangzhen Yan, Xiujuan Yang and Tingting Jiang, . Roof Stability Evaluation of Bedded Rock Salt Cavern Used as Underground Gas Storage . Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (20): 4160-4170.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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