Article Information:
Performance Assessment of Some CPU Scheduling Algorithms
E.O. Oyetunji and A.E. Oluleye
Corresponding Author: Oyetunji Elkanah
Submitted: 2009 June, 02
Published: |
The problem of scheduling which computer process run at what time on the central processing unit
(CPU) or the processor is explored. Three basic CPU scheduling algorithms (namely first come first serve,
priority scheduling and shortest job first) were discussed and evaluated on four CPU scheduling objectives or
goals (average waiting time, average turnaround time, average CPU utilization and average throughput) to
determine which algorithm is most suitable for which objective. Experimental results were provided.
Key words: CPU scheduling, Algorithms, Processes, CPU/IO burst, , ,
Cite this Reference:
E.O. Oyetunji and A.E. Oluleye, . Performance Assessment of Some CPU Scheduling Algorithms. Research Journal of Information Technology , (1): Page No: 22-26.
ISSN (Online): 2041-3114
ISSN (Print): 2041-3106 |
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