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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

2012(Vol.4, Issue:23)
Article Information:

Effect of Demographic Variables and Utilization of ICT in Employment of Disabled

Vahid Bakhshi, Mohammad Kamali and Ali Chabok
Corresponding Author:  Vahid Bakhshi 
Submitted: May 15, 2012
Accepted: June 15, 2012
Published: December 01, 2012
Most of the disabled people are faced with many physical, social and cultural problems. Social barriers deprive them from using civil and welfare utilities and social vulgar and inexpert attitudes toward the disabled keep them out from the social life and relations. Using ICT is one of the best ways for their participation in all cultural, social, political and economic issues. In recent years, with the emergence of the concept of telework, entrepreneurial process has also changed. As many jobs require attendance at a particular place or time, they are associated with restrictions. Entrepreneurship and consequently telework can provide an appropriate opportunity for disabled or those who temporarily suffer from physical injuries. This is possible only by using information technology services; because in the present age information technology has undertaken a leadership role and has overshadowed different dimensions of human life. Planning and especial policies for the disabled would be unsuccessful or very expensive without the knowledge and understanding of their needs. Therefore, aim of this research is studying Effect of Demographic Variables and Utilization of ICT in Employment of Disabled. Furthermore with regard to the type of disability and employment, using ICT and findings of this research, scientific planning can proceed in this area based on existing capabilities. The results of this study show that half of the sample case is unemployed. However, the percentage of unemployed deaf was lower than other groups. Despite laws for the employment of disabled, as the results show, a lot of people with disabilities are still unemployed. Furthermore, the results define the more need of deployment of strategies and programs for more access of disabled to ICT and also providing a good platform to familiarize them to this technology and to enjoy the benefits of it.

Key words:  Demographic variables, employment of disables, ICT, , , ,
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Cite this Reference:
Vahid Bakhshi, Mohammad Kamali and Ali Chabok, . Effect of Demographic Variables and Utilization of ICT in Employment of Disabled. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (23): 5268-5273.
ISSN (Online):  2040-7467
ISSN (Print):   2040-7459
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