Article Information:
Analytical Approach to Some Highly Nonlinear Equations by Means of the RVIM
S. Ghasempour, J. Vahidi, A. Nikkar and M. Mighani
Corresponding Author: Ali Nikkar
Submitted: July 05, 2012
Accepted: July 28, 2012
Published: January 01, 2013 |
In this study, Reconstruction of Variational Iteration Method (RVIM) is used for computing the
Generalized Hirota-Satsuma coupled KdV equation, Kawahara equation and FKdV equations. This new applied
algorithm is a powerful and efficient technique in finding the approximate solutions for the linear and nonlinear
equations. RVIM as a method that based on Laplace transform has high rapid convergence and reduces the size of
calculations using only few terms, so many linear and nonlinear equations can be solved by this method. Results are
compared with those of Adomian’s Decomposition Method (ADM). The results of Reconstruction of Variational
Iteration Method (RVIM) are of high concentration and the method is very effective and succinct.
Key words: Generalized hirota-satsuma coupled KdV equation, kawahara equation, Reconstruction of Variational Iteration Method (RVIM), some FKdV equations, , ,
Cite this Reference:
S. Ghasempour, J. Vahidi, A. Nikkar and M. Mighani, . Analytical Approach to Some Highly Nonlinear Equations by Means of the RVIM. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (01): 339-345.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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