Article Information:
Service Experience Influence on Generating Positive Word-of-mouth
Kambiz Heidarzadeh Hanzaee and Somayeh Alinejad
Corresponding Author: Kambiz Heidarzadeh Hanzaee
Submitted: March 12, 2012
Accepted: August 28, 2012
Published: December 15, 2012 |
Purpose the purpose of this study is to study the effects of relationship benefits on relationship quality and
aspects of service quality and the subsequent influence on word-of-mouth behavior. Design/methodology/approach
the paper reports results from statistical techniques of linear structural relations that utilizes data from 300
consumers across a range of services. Findings results indicate a significant positive path connecting confidence
benefits and functional quality, the relationship between special treatment benefits and technical quality is
supported. The positive relation of confidence benefits, special treatment benefits and social benefits on relationship
quality are also supported. Furthermore, it is found that functional quality; technical quality and relationship quality
is related to word-of-mouth. Originality/value the study investigates the role of relationship benefits in increasing
perceptions of quality while also providing an analysis of the differential role of functional, technical and
relationship quality in enhancing customers’ word-of-mouth intentions.
Key words: LISREL , paper type-research paper relationship benefits, relationship quality, service experience, word of mouth, ,
Cite this Reference:
Kambiz Heidarzadeh Hanzaee and Somayeh Alinejad, . Service Experience Influence on Generating Positive Word-of-mouth. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (24): 5609-5616.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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