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     Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Detection of Different Technology on Yunnan Pu'er Tea Aroma Using an Electronic Nose

1Zhou Fang Mei, 1ChenTing, 1ChenYing, 2Liu Yi Jia, 1ZhaoYan and 1Wang Bai Juan
1Yunnan Agricultural University, Yunnan Kunming 650201, China
2University of Washington, Seattle 98105, American
Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences   2015  2:11-23
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/ajas.7.2105  |  © The Author(s) 2015
Received: February ‎22, ‎2015  |  Accepted: March ‎20, ‎2015  |  Published: April 15, 2015


In this study, we measured 8 kinds of typical Yunnan Pu'er tea utilizing Electronic Nose technology. The analyses are achieved by the software Winmuster and the analyzing methods include Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Diseriminant Analysis (LDA) and loading. The PCA shows that the different aroma of Pu’er tea caused by different processing technic (fermented and unfermented) can be totally (100%) differentiated. The LDA shows that by choosing appropriate discriminant, we can discriminate two kinds of Pu’er tea that are manufactured by the same manufacturer in the same year but proceed by different technic. This illustrates that distinct discrepancy of components of volatiles exist in Pu’er tea proceed by different technic, which can be identified by Electronic Nose. The result of Loading indicates that out of 10 sensors, 3 key sensors labeled as 2, 7, 9 have responded acutely to tea aroma, which have contributed most to the identification. The overall result presents that this new quick and nondestructive technique-Electronic Nose is a effective way to evaluate the quality of tea through aroma, which can be used to the detection of aroma content of Yunnan Pu’er tea because of its excellent discrimination of fermented and unfermented tea.


Aroma, electronic nose, Yunnan Pu,


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ISSN (Online):  2041-3890
ISSN (Print):   2041-3882
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