Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Extractions and Purification of Nuciferine from Lotus Leaves
1Xianfeng Du, 1Xu Pan, 1Li Guo and 2Yu Zhu
1Department of Food Sciences, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui Province, China
2School of Life Science, Anqing Teachers College, Anqing, Anhui Province, China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2016 2:153-159
Received: July ‎2, ‎2015 | Accepted: August ‎2, ‎2015 | Published: January 15, 2016
Four kinds of extraction methods such as Acid-Ethanol Extraction (AEE), Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction (UAE), Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) and Enzyme-Assisted Extraction (EAE) were used to extract Nuciferine from lotus leaves. The crude Nuciferine was further purified by re-crystallization. Results showed that compared with AEE, MAE and EAE, UAE exhibited highest extraction ratio (97.05%) with the irradiation power of 400 W at 50°C for 30 min, which indicates UAE is an efficient, rapid and simple Nuciferine extraction technique. The mixed solvent of acetone, petroleum ether, methanol and acetonitrile rather than single solvent was shown to be the most effective for re-crystallization of Nuciferine while stirring (600 rpm) at a storage temperature of 10°C for 24 h, resulting in higher purity (96.85%) and yield (94.7%). The purity of Nuciferine was increased from an average of 53.19% of the crude product to an average of 96.85% of purified product that were detected by the HPLC analysis. So, UAF combined with re-crystallization can be applied to extraction and purification of Nuciferine to improve its industrial mass production and increase greatly economic additional value.
Extractions, nuciferine, purification, recrystallization,
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