Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Sensory Quality and Physico-chemical Properties of Three Types of Commercial Dried Chinese Noodles
Rui Liu, Yi-Min Wei, Ya-Nan Xing, Jie Wang, Ying-Quan Zhang and Bo Zhang
Institute of Agro-products Processing Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agro-products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture,
Beijing, 100193, P.R. China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2016 4:262-269
Received: April 14, 2015 | Accepted: May 10, 2015 | Published: February 05, 2016
Sensory quality and physico-chemical properties of 60 samples of white salted noodles, 23 egg noodles and 16 buckwheat noodles, collected from large-scale noodle manufacturers, were measured. The differences in quality among the three types of commercial dried Chinese noodles and relationships between the various quality parameters were investigated. Color and flavor were the main aspects of quality that varied among the commercial dried noodles. In texture profile analysis of the noodles after cooking, buckwheat noodles showed significantly lower measurements of hardness, cohesiveness, chewiness and resilience and these differences were confirmed by sensory tests. The color score of white salted noodles was positively associated with L* and negatively with a* (p<0.01); but for buckwheat noodles, the associations were reversed. Hardness, chewiness of TPA and all sensory parameters for the 3 noodle types were negatively correlated with cooking loss. The association between water uptake, chewiness and noodle firmness score was described by means of a quadratic regression model. Compared with the winter wheat region in south China, dried white salted noodles originating from the winter wheat region in north China showed lower moisture, higher color b* and higher scores in stickiness, flavor and total scores.
Buckwheat noodles, cooking properties, egg noodles, sensory evaluation, texture profiles, white salted noodles,
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