Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Prunus domestica Χ P. armeniaca Cultivar Fengweimeigui: A New Natural Material for Fruit Wine
1Gao-Pu Zhu, 1Han Zhao, 2Xiao-Xing Zhou, 1Meng-Pei Liu, 3Yan-Li Huang, 1Ta-Na Wuyun and 1Fang-Dong Li
1Non-timber Forestry Research and Development Center, Chinese Academy of Forestry and China Paulownia Research and Development Center, Zhengzhou 450003, China
2Administrative Office, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China
3Henan Province Institute of Landscape Planning and Design Company Limited
Zhengzhou 450045, China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2016 3:277-280
Received: April ‎23, ‎2015 | Accepted: May ‎10, ‎2015 | Published: February 05, 2016
To add fruit wine type and increase Prunus domestica × P. armeniaca cultivar Fengweimeigui (Fengweimeigui) additional value, a new natural fruit wine was developed. Four treatments based on solid fermentation method were researched including the weight ratio of fruit and saccharose is 10:1 (T1), 5:1 (T2), 5:2 (T3) and 2:1 (T4), respectively. The results exhibited that the nutrition was affected with saccharose addition and two type’s semi-dry and two sweet wines were designed. Semi-dry wine T1, has lowest sugar content of 5.86 mg/L with higher Mg (86.20 mg/L), Ca (136.00 mg/L) and the highest essential amino acid contents of 142.7 mg/L rich in Lys (55.2 mg/L), Phe (32.2 mg/L), Ile (6.10 mg/L), Leu (27.9 mg/L), Val (18.2 mg/L) and Tyr (8.2 mg/L). Semi-dry wine T2, has lower sugar content of 11.70 mg/L with higher P (108.00 mg/L) and the higher amino acid Met (3.50 mg/L), Gln (87.0 mg/L), Gly (57.0 mg/L), His (9.2 mg/L) and Arg (21.8 mg/L). Sweet wine T3, has higher sugar content of 68.80 mg/L with the highest total non-essential amino acid content of 2050.5 mg/L rich in Ala (255.2 mg/L) and Pro (1574.0 mg/L), meanwhile, the amino acid Met (36.8 mg/L) was detected. Sweet wine T4, has highest sugar content of 110.00 mg/L with the highest Fe (1.10 mg/L), Na (19.80 mg/L), alcohol concentration (15.20%) and amino acid Asp (74.8 mg/L). We therefore conclude that solid fermentation is a suitable method to preserve nutrients and value-added for Fengweimeigui fruits and four types wine are suitable for different age people.
Fruit wine, fungal endophytes, Prunus domestica , solid fermentation,
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