Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
The Particle Swarm Algorithm for Farmland Food Harvester Routing Optimization with Multiple-depot and Time Windows
1Qiang Song, 1Weiwei Zhang and 2Lingxia Liu
1Anyang Institute of Technology
2School of Software Engineering, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, 455000, China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2016 8:563-567
Received: May 16, 2015 | Accepted: July 2, 2015 | Published: March 15, 2016
Multi-depot farmland food harvester routing problem with time windows is a variation of the farmland food harvester routing problem constrained by multi-depot and time windows, which is a typical NP-hard problem. Particle swarm optimization with a particle coding method is designed to solve the problem. The mathematic mode is established and the solution algorithm is developed. The simulation results of example indicate that the algorithm has faster search speed and stronger optimization ability than the genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm.
Farmland food harvester, multi-depot, particle swarm optimization, route problem, time windows,
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