Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
The Promotion Effects on Pu'er Tea Aroma of High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field
1Chen Ting, 2Luo SiHan, 1Zhao Yan, 1Xia ZiXiang, 1Peng Wen and 1Wang BaiJuan
1Yunnan Agriculture University, Yunnan, Kunming 650201
2Nanjing Political College, Jiangshu, Nanjing 210000, China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2016 3:111-122
Received: September ‎17, ‎2015 | Accepted: December ‎9, ‎2015 | Published: September 25, 2016
In order to explore how to improve the aroma of geographical indications products in Yunnan-Pu’er Tea Using Electronic Nose System, the aroma components of Five-star Pu’er ripe tea of Fuyuanchang (2005 vintage) was defected, which treated by different High voltage Pulsed Electric Field (HPEF). And Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and loadings analysis (Loading) were take on by Winmuster software, then combining response curve peak transuded comparison, the orthogonal test of the results from the experiment was done. The result proved that the content of aroma composition changed prominently after HPEF processing. The three kind of aroma component which include alcohol, organic sulfide and short-chain alkane increased significantly. In the condition of 18 kV/180 Hz/30 min, the three kinds of aroma composition increased the most and the average increase was 12.5%; and under the condition of 12kV/150Hz/45 min, the increase come secondly with the average of 11.1%. In addition, the other promoted condition of HPEF included 18 kV/120 Hz/60 min, 12 kV/120 Hz/60 min and 18 kV/120 Hz/30 min and the first condition was better than the others. The electric field voltage was the essential determinant which effected the content of aroma composition.
Aroma composition, electronic nose, High voltage Pulsed Electric Field (HPEF), orthogonal experiment, Pu'er ripe tea,
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