Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Physico-chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Eggplant Flour as a Functional Ingredient
1U. Uthumporn, 1A. Fazilah, 1A.Y. Tajul, 1M. Maizura and 2A.S. Ruri
1Food Technologi Division, School of Industrial Technologi, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang, Malaysia
2Politeknik LP31 Medan, JL. Amaliun No. 37, Medan Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2016 5:235-243
Received: September 22, 2015 | Accepted: October 30, 2015 | Published: October 05, 2016
Eggplant flour from different types of eggplant grown in Malaysia [Chinese eggplant (PL), Indian eggplant (PR), White eggplant (W) and Thailand eggplant (G)] had been produced by using oven drying, at 40 and 50°C respectively. All eggplant showed the same trend for antioxidant properties following the order PR>PL>W>G. Among the eggplant grows in Malaysia, Indian eggplant flour which dried at 40°C contained the highest amount of total phenolic content (3545.8 mg), total flavonoids content (2918.2 mg CAE/100 g), possessed the highest antioxidant activity by giving highest value in DPPH (92.70%) and FRAP assay. Higher drying temperature was found to inhibit the antioxidant activity of all types of eggplant flour except for white eggplant flour. All eggplant showed no significant changes in term of nutritional values. For Total Dietary Fiber (TDF) analysis, white eggplant flour had the highest content of total TDF (48.34%). which was 10x higher than in white wheat flour and 3x higher than in whole-grain wheat flour. Large portion of total dietary fiber in eggplant was found existed as insoluble fiber. Apparently, eggplant flour can be used as a functional ingredient in order to impart antioxidant and increase nutritional content of final products.
Antioxidant, eggplant, flour, functional ingredient, phenolic content,
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