Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Effects of Puffing and Dehydration of Maitake (Grifola frondosa) Slices by Pulsed-microwave Vacuum Puffing
Suwen Liu, Xuebing Tian, Yuan Yao and Xuedong Chang
Department of Food Science and Technology, Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province 066004, P.R. China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2016 7:352-361
Received: October ‎5, ‎2015 | Accepted: November ‎4, ‎2015 | Published: November 05, 2016
In order to investigate the puffing and dehydration characteristics of maitake (Grifola frondosa) under Pulsed-Microwave Vacuum Puffing (PMVP) conditions, PMVP experiments were conducted. The effect of vacuum pressure (-60±1.5, -70±1.5, or -80±1.5 kPa), microwave power intensity (75, 150, or 225 w/g), the initial moisture content (50±1.0%, 45±1.0%, 40±1.0%, 35±1.0%, or 30±1.0%) and pulse ratio1.2 on dehydration rate, expansion ratio and sensory score were determined. Moreover, a mathematical model and correlation coefficients for the dehydration rate and expansion ratio of maitake mushrooms with moisture content was established for three microwave intensities. Puffing of samples showed that the microstructures of the maitake slices quickly formed a porous structure during the volume expansion stage and the hardness increased then suddenly decreased. These results are useful for the industrial scale production of high-quality maitake products.
Characteristics, Maitake (Grifola frondosa), mathematical model, microstructures, pulsed-microwave vacuum puffing,
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