Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Development of a Technique for Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration in Oryza sativa L. var. MRQ74 and MR269
1Che Radziah C.M.Z., 1, 2Arshad Naji Alhasnawi, 1, 3Ahsan A. Kadhimi, 1Anizan Isahak, 4Azhar Mohamad, 1Mehdi Farshad Ashraf, 1Febri Doni and 1Wan Mohtar Wan Yusoff
1Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Kebangsaan,
43600 UKM Bangim, Selangor, Malaysia
2ALMuthanna University, 66001 Samawah, Iraq
3University of Baghdad, Jadriyah, 10070 Baghdad, Iraq
4Malaysian Nuclear Agency, 43000 Kajang, Bangi, Malaysia
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2017 3:128-137
Received: April 17, 2016 | Accepted: June 7, 2016 | Published: March 25, 2017
The objective of the present study is to develop callus induction and plant regeneration; an experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of growth regulators on callus induction in rice mature embryo culture. In this experiment, callus was initiated from the mature seed scutellumof two Malaysian indica rice, MRQ74 and MR269. Callus was induced using different concentrations of 2, 4-D and BAP on MS medium under dark condition or under 16/8 h photoperiod conditions. For complete plant regeneration, the calli of both varieties were planted for shoot regeneration on MS media supplemented with different concentrations of BAP and NAA, for root regeneration on IBA. The results revealed that the maximum callus inductions in MRQ74 and MR269 were observed in the MS medium containing 3 mg/L 2, 4-D with 0.1 mg/L BAP under dark conditions. Furthermore, our protocol uses mature seeds as the explants in both rice varieties in terms of callus induction. Additionally, green plant production of plants was also observed in all of the media tested for shoot regeneration and MS media supplemented with 3 mg/L of BAP and 0.1 mg/L of NAA was found to be responsible for the recovery of more highly regenerated shoots. Effective root induction (100%) was achieved in a medium containing 1mg/LIBA. The described protocol can be useful in the establishment of an in vitro system for rice that can be a major technique for a genetic transformation system and crop improvement.
Callus induction, growth regulators, illumination, plant regeneration,
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