Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Physicochemical Characterization and Determination of the Useful Life of Dehydrated Creams of Barracuda (Sphyraena ensis) Flour with Pregelatinized Corn, Cassava and Yam Starch
1Barragan Katerine, 3Salcedo Jairo G., 2De Paula Claudia D. and 3Hernandez Elvis J.
1Department of Agro-Food Sciences, Universidad de Cordoba, Cienaga de Oro, Colombia
2Department of Food Engineering, Universidad de Cordoba, Cienaga de Oro, Colombia
3Department of Agroindustrial Engineering, Universidad de Sucre, Sincelejo, Colombia
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2018 SPL:62-66
Received: September 9, 2017 | Accepted: November 13, 2017 | Published: July 10, 2018
The aim of this research was to characterize physicochemically dehydrated creams of fishmeal with pregelatinized corn, cassava and yam starch and determine their useful life. Three sources of Pregelatinized starch (corn (PCS), cassava (PCAS) and yam (PYS)) were evaluated varying in ratios of 20/40, 30/30 and 40/20 starch/fishmeal. It was determined the content of fat, protein, moisture, ash, pH and color parameters, which were compared with a commercial cream. In addition, the shelf life of the creams was established through the moisture gain by absorption isotherms, at a temperature of 35°C, varying the relative humidity between 34.78 and 91.66%. Very favorable nutritional levels were obtained in barracuda creams with fat and protein contents between 0.98- 1.77% and 16.30-41.97%, respectively, with reference to the commercial cream. The percentage of moisture in the cream allowed to establish the useful life through isotherms of absorption, indicating that, with a percentage of compaction of 100, 20, 10 and 5%, the stability time of the cream is 33.39; 6.68; 3.34 and 1.67 months, respectively. Under the established conditions, creams with the minimum amount of barracuda flour, manage to overcome the nutritional contribution of commercial creams with a useful life of approximately 18 months with 50% of compaction.
Conservation, fish, nutrition, protein, proximal analysis,
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