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     Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology

Agroindustrial Behavior of 11 Mangoes Varieties (Mangifera indica L) Present in a Natural Productive System of the District of San Marco de Malagana (Bolivar)

1, 2G. Diaz Ivan, 1J. Ahumedo Maicol, 1Ballesteros Luzneyda and 1Gonzalez Hannia
1Grupo CIPTEC, Tecnologia en Produccion Industrial, Fundacion Universitaria Tecnologico Comfenalco, Cartagena, Colombia
2Maestria en Ciencias Agroalimentarias, Universidad de Córdoba, Monteria, Colombia
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology  2018  SPL:102-108
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/ajfst.14.5879  |  © The Author(s) 2018
Received: September 14, 2017  |  Accepted: November 17, 2017  |  Published: July 10, 2018


Bolivar department from Colombia, there are many limitations related to production and industrializing of several mangoes varieties. During this exploratory research, there were identified the agroindustrial qualities of 11 mangoes varieties such as fruit mass, lengths, yields, °Brix, titratable acidity, pH and Maturity Degree. Analysis showed a pulp weight average of 70-80%, pH average of 4.5, average °Brix of 15-16 (with the exception of the Azucar variety with 24-27) and average titratable acidity of 0.3 (with the exception of the Masa variety with 0.69). All varieties possess potential features against the standards established by Normas Tecnicas Colombianas NTC 5468 and NTC 285 for fresh type consume and technological transformation in products such as juices, nectar, pulps, marmalades and others. According to the codex (2005) Stan, 4 varieties are in category A (Filipino, Número 11, Rosa and Barba), 4 varieties are category B (Papo, Bota, Corazon and Canela) and the variety Masa is in category C.


Agroindustrial, cultivation, fruit, processing, product, properties,


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