Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Optimized Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction of Flavonoids from Pyracantha fortuneana Fruit and Evaluation of Antibacterial Activities
1Yun Zhang, 1, 2Wei Wu, 1Xin Yu, 1Anju Xiao and 1Jing Lin
1School of Medicine, Hubei Polytechnic University
2Hubei Key Laboratory of Kidney Disease Pathogenesis and Intervention, Huangshi CN-435003, P.R. China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2014 12:1301-1306
Received: June ‎11, ‎2014 | Accepted: July ‎19, ‎2014 | Published: December 10, 2014
Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction (UAE) method was developed for extraction of total flavonoids from Pyracantha fortuneana fruit. The UAE parameters and the antioxidant activities of flavonoids extract were investigated. Important variables and their levels were obtained using single factor analysis method and central composite design. Through Response Surface Methodology (RSM) design experiments, the processing conditions were optimized as follows: ethanol concentration, 81.15%; liquid-solid ratio, 30.00 mL/g; extraction time, 3.14 h; and temperature, 69.55°C. Under the optimum condition, the extraction yield was 1.261%, which was well matched with the predicted values of 1.263%. The antibacterial activities of extract against four bacterial strains were determined by agar well diffusion method and the results indicated that the extract showed potent antibacterial activities, which concludes its application as natural antibacterial agent.
Antibacterial activities, central composite design, flavonoids, Pyracantha fortuneana, response surface methodology,
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