Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Sustainable Household Food Consumption Patterns in Zhangye City of Heihe River
Shang Hai-yang
Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Lanzhou 730000, China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2015 2:113-119
Received: August ‎14, ‎2014 | Accepted: September ‎14, ‎2014 | Published: January 20, 2015
The transformation on the demand for Food plays an important role in the adjustment about prices of agricultural products and agricultural structure. The study, by utilizing the extended linear expenditure system, analyses the food consumption structure of rural residents in the Ganzhou of Zhangye city, determines the basic food consumption demand, the marginal propensity of consumption, the income elasticities of demand, the own-price and cross-price elasticities of local rural residents, which illustrates the influencing factors about food consumption of rural residents and forecasts the food consumption structure. The results show that the rural residents’ expenditure on household basic food consumption reaches about 7050.35 Yuan; the marginal propensities of consumption for fruit and vegetable are relatively high (respectively, 0.062 and 0.106), followed by meat (0.044); the demands for various food are increasing, as income increasing, the largest income elasticity of demand is corresponding to fruit (1.354), the lowest to cereal (0.310); the fruit and vegetables own the relatively high own- price elasticities (respectively -0.879 and -0.442), the cereal owns the lowest one (-0.184). The price increase of cereal will greatly affect demand for other products; the consumption for meat is decreasing whereas for cereal is increasing with the rising size of rural households; As the improvement of household education level, it will lead to increased consumption of fruits (E = 0.297); the amount of cereal expenditures is continually growing nevertheless the share is declining with the increase of household income in 2012-2020. Therefore, making sure the stability of cereal output the government should encourage the cultivation of Economic crops and guide the development of stockbreeding. In order to attain the balance between supply and demand, it is important to adjust rationally the prices of fruits and vegetables on the basis of the stable price with cereal.
Extended linear expenditure system, household food consumption, income elasticities of demand, the marginal propensity of consumption,
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