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     Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology

The Extraction and Properties of Carica papaya Seed Oil

Y.M. Li, N. Su, H.Q. Yang, X.P. Bai, Q.X. Zhu, H.X. Liu and J.Q. Li
College of Food Science and Engineering, Hainan University, The Haikou Key Lab of Bioactive Substance and Functional Foods, Haikou 570228, China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology  2015  10:773-779
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/ajfst.7.1736  |  © The Author(s) 2015
Received: October 07, ‎2014  |  Accepted: November ‎3, ‎2014  |  Published: April 05, 2015


The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of Ultrasound-Microwave synergistic Extraction (UMAE) for the recovery of papaya seed oil as compared to Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction (UAE). The efficiency of these two methods was assessed by comparing the physicochemical properties and oxidative stability of papaya seed oil. The analytic tests were color, unsaponifiable matters, iodine value, acid value and peroxide value. The fatty acid components were analyzed by GC. Results indicated that the Ultrasound-Microwave synergistic Extraction (UMAE) considerably impact on the physicochemical properties of the extracted papaya seed oil, UMAE provided papaya seed oil with obviously lighter color, lower unsaponifiable matters (2.53%) and higher oxidative stability (PV, 0.98 m mol/kg) than that of UAE. Analysis of fatty acid composition revealed that 13 kinds of components are identified and the total amount of fatty acids accounted for 93.13% of papaya seed oil, the predominant fatty acids in papaya seed oil were oleic (18:1, 72.60%), palmitic (16:0, 18.00%), linoleic acid (18:2, 5.80%) and stearic (18:0, 3.60%).


Carica papaya seed oil, extraction, fatty acid composition, properties,


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ISSN (Online):  2042-4876
ISSN (Print):   2042-4868
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