Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Effect of Alkaline Treatment Conditions to the Rehydration of Bovine Omasum for Hotpot
Jianfei Zhu and Yan Jiang
Chongqing Key Laboratory of Catalysis and Functional Organic Molecules, College of Environmental and Biological Engineering, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, People
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2015 6:446-451
Received: December ‎26, ‎2014 | Accepted: February ‎5, ‎2015 | Published: June 10, 2015
Optimization of process condition of bovine omasum is a valuable attempt to guide the industrial production of maodu for hotpot. The quantitative effects of concentration of NaOH, treatment temperature and treatment time on the rehydration effect of bovine omasum for Hotpot using Box-Behnken design. The experimental data obtained were fitted to a second-order polynomial equation using multiple regression analysis and also analyzed by appropriate statistical methods. By solving the regression equation and also by analyzing the response surface contour plots, the optimal alkaline treatment conditions to the rehydration of bovine omasum were determined: a concentration of NaOH of 0.77 g/100 mL, a treatment temperature of 26.8°C and a treatment time of 33.2 min.
Alkaline treatment, bovine omasum, box-behnken design, hotpot, rehydration,
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