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     Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology

Physicochemical and Sensory Evaluation of Sandwich Cookies Made with Carob Powder

1L.S. Barroso, 2V.R. de Oliveira, 3A.V. Garcia, 4D. Doneda, 1L.A. Ouriques and 5M.M. Vieira
1Nutrition Course
2Departament of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine
3Agronomy Course
4Nutrition Course, Dietary Laboratory Technique
5Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agronomy, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology  2015  4:290-295
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/ajfst.9.2011  |  © The Author(s) 2015
Received: ‎February ‎13, ‎2015  |  Accepted: March ‎1, ‎2015  |  Published: August 15, 2015


This study aimed to investigate the viability of replacing cocoa by carob powder in the development of sandwich cookies and to evaluate their physicochemical and sensory characteristics. Three formulations were tested: carob sandwich cookies, carob and Textured Soy Protein (TSP) sandwich cookies and cocoa sandwich cookies. Some physical analysis was taken such as: weight and diameter, before and after baking. It was also evaluated protein, fatty-acids, fiber, ashes, moisture, carbohydrates and calories. Forty eight judges analyzed the cookies acceptability and purchase intention of the cookies. In physical analyses, a significant difference was observed in weight after baking between the carob cookies and cocoa cookies. Moisture, ash, protein, lipids, calories per portion showed similar chemical characteristics for all the samples. Cocoa cookies presented the highest content of crude fiber. Carob cookies presented highest content of carbohydrate; however Carob and TSP cookies showed the highest content of proteins and the lower content of lipids. The attributes appearance, texture, flavor and global acceptability showed similar characteristics for all the samples. The attributed color showed higher acceptability in Cocoa cookies, nevertheless the purchase intention was similar for all the samples.


Carob, Ceratonia silique, cocoa, cookies, TSP,


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ISSN (Online):  2042-4876
ISSN (Print):   2042-4868
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