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     Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology

Physico-chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Different Pumpkin Cultivars Grown in China

1, 2, 3Jing Zhao, 1, 2, 3Wei Liu, 1, 2, 3Dong Chen, 1, 2, 3Yi Song, 4Yuyu Zhang, 1, 2, 3Yuanying Ni and 1, 2, 3Quanhong Li
1College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, 100083, China
2National Engineering Research Center for Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Beijing 100083, China
3Key Laboratory of Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China
4Beijing Key Laboratory of Flavor Chemistry, Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU), Beijing 100048, China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology   2015  4:308-316
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/ajfst.9.2014  |  © The Author(s) 2015
Received: March ‎7, ‎2015   |  Accepted: April ‎1, ‎2015  |  Published: August 15, 2015


To obtain more detailed knowledge of the differences among major pumpkin species grown in China, physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of four pumpkin cultivars (Miben, Hongli, Lvli, Xihulu) were characterized and compared. Dry matter, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, fruit color, protein, fat, sugars, minerals, amino acids, &beta-carotene, L-ascorbic acid, total phenols and antioxidant activities (DPPH and FRAP) were measured in the studied cultivars. The results showed great differences in the composition and characteristics of the pumpkin cultivars. Miben exhibited the highest concentration of dry matter, fat, Total Soluble Solid (TSS), Titratable Acidity (TA), sucrose, &beta-carotene, K, P, Fe, Zn and aspartic acid. Hongli had the highest concentration protein, L-ascorbic acid, Na, Ca, Mg and all individual amino acids except for asparitic acid. Lvli exhibited significantly (p<0.05) higher antioxidant activities (DPPH and FRAP), which are highly related to total phenols content in pumpkin fruits (r = 0.94 and r = 0.98, respectively). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) allowed the four pumpkin cultivars to be differentiated clearly based on all these physico-chemical and antioxidant properties determined in the study.


Antioxidant properties, cultivars, physico-chemical, principle component analysis, pumpkin,


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