Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Applied Aspects of Russian Innovation Policy
1Leonid Baltovskij, 2Stanislav Eremeev and 2Alexander Kurochkin
1St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vtoraja Krasnoarmejskaja ul. 4, St. Petersburg 190005
2St. Petersburg State University, ul. Smol'nogo 1/3, Entrance 7th, St. Petersburg 191124, Russia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 12:1425-1434
Received: April 14, 2015 | Accepted: May 10, 2015 | Published: August 25, 2015
This study is dealing with applied aspects of Russian state policy towards traditional infrastructure renovation requirements in this country. The streamline of network society emergence, business innovation activities increase etc., enables the modern states to enhance their competitive edge quality worldwide. In accordance with this trend, the key indicators of social and economic development (i.e., life quality, incomes level, main population indexes etc.) are defined primarily by the chances to produce a new level of knowledge. The innovative development structure today is undergoing certain significant changes practically elsewhere. This is caused mainly by the fact that in a course of innovation politics development and implementation the former decisions are falling obsolete swiftly and requiring permanent correction. It causes imminent changes of innovation process perception and means to influence it. Contemporary Russia has a number of substantial political, administrative, social and cultural features which are influencing the process of national innovation policy development and implementation. Lack of effective institutional infrastructure as well as sustainable business motivation to develop innovations, plus the high level of bureaucracy and corruption, are imposing a mission of country modernization under the auspices of a coordination (network) management model for innovation and investment activities. The authors have analyzed the modern situation of innovations management in Russia and came to the conclusion, firstly, that the network (recurrent, recursive) innovation model would be effective to force a "digital gap" in the economy. Secondly, it would allow balanced investment initiation for such trends which would offer innovation products increment and provide economical security and a stable legitimate political structure.
Applied politics, deliberative innovation policy, network society, social communication,
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