Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
An Improved Role Based Trust Management System using Interactive Artificial Bee Colony (I-ABC) Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
1K. Vignesh and 2N. Radhika,
1Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, India
2Department of Computer Science Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidhya Peetham, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10:1175-1184
Received: February 22, 2015 | Accepted: March 12, 2015 | Published: August 05, 2015
The aim of this research study is to propose an improved role based trust management system for wireless sensor networks. The objective is attained using an interactive artificial bee colony algorithm which is used for path optimization. Also the purpose is to guarantee to provide robust and trustworthiness among the clusters formed in the wireless sensor network. The reputation among the sensor nodes is assured using the trust model. One of the main concerns of WSN, that have attracted research scholars, is the property to guarantee a less amount of security in a limited environment. Trust among the communicative nodes is one of the major issues that have to be given importance in wireless sensor network. A number of research works have concentrated on only Trust Management (TM) techniques without considering their roles. Existing trust management schemes do not provide significant reliability in all environments. In order to overcome these issues, Role Trust (RT) framework is presented, to select role for each nodes representing policies in a distributed authorized environment. RT integrates the features of role-based access control and TM schemes. This feature is particularly applicable for attribute based access control. Role trust management schemes generate rules, identify and assure roles based on the rules generation process and then clusters are identified for each trust model. Along with the trust model, this study focuses on efficient data path with reduced data loss. Hence, this study presents a novel Swarm Intelligence based Role Trust and Reputation Model (SIRTRM) to provide trust and reputation in WSNs. Simulations are carried out in NS2 environment and the results portrays the accuracy, robustness and lightness of the proposed model.
Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), cluster, reliability, Role Based Trust Management (RBTM), Management (TM) , Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN),
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