Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
DYBACON: An Auditor for Secure Kinetic Cloud Storage
G. Soniya Priyatharsini and P. Visu
Department of CSE, Vel Tech University, Avadi, Chennai-62, Tamil Nadu, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 1:70-78
Received: February ‎27, ‎2015 | Accepted: March ‎20, ‎2015 | Published: September 05, 2015
Cloud computing is a significant shift of computational paradigm where computing as a utility and storing data remotely have a great potential. Cloud server provides a low cost, flexible, location independent platform for storing client's data. It can provide user along with varieties of service, framework, applications and storage of a huge amount of data; it includes information which is important. Along with the capabilities of the cloud computing, its security is the biggest question mark. It needs associate an independent third party auditing service to see the data integrity within the cloud server. Already past integrity checking methods will solely serve for static archive data and so cannot be applied to the auditing service since the data within the cloud may be dynamically updated. To combine the security drawback, this study proposes a secured protocol. This study initially sketch a frame for an auditing protocol, then extend the protocol to support dynamic auditing and batch auditing for each multiple clouds and multiple owners. With the support of ILEDM, this study is tracking the recent upgrades of the data within the cloud. So the replay attack can be reduced. The analysis and simulation results show that this projected auditing protocols are secure and dynamic, significantly it reduce the value of the computation of the auditor.
Cloud security, dynamic cloud data security, third party auditor,
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