Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
A Study on EU Stress Strategy at Workplace in Banking Sector
1R. Alamelu, 2L. Cresenta Shakila Motha, 1R. Amudha and 1V. Badrinath
1School of Management,
2Department of Training and Placement, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 3:325-329
Received: February ‎16, ‎2015 | Accepted: March ‎3, ‎2015 | Published: September 25, 2015
In recent times, the business milieu has become aggressive by vibrant customers with myriad expectations. Thereby, the responses to those environments are also chaotic. The roles and responsibilities of employees are sky-scraping. The role clarity, role distance, role stagnation and role erosion are quite common while meeting the demands of customers. The unsecured job stretched working hour, internal competition and indefinite task demand may cause serious psychological stress issues at work place. This stress will go up to the range of even affecting quality of work and personal life. Though there seems to be many researches in the stress perspective, the studies related to banking employees are limited. On the other hand, banking sector is one among the customer centric sector escalating swiftly, to the boom of getting employees affected. The present study aims on the need to study and gives solutions in order to track with business environment. Hence, this study focuses on the causes and effects of stress among the employees of nationalized banks in Thanjavur District.
Bank employees, banking sector, Eu stress, nationalized banks, stress management, Tanjore,
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