Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Defected Ground Structured Monopole Antenna for Broadcasting Satellite Communication Applications
K. Kumar Naik, B.T.P. Madhav, G. Vanaja, K. Sreeharsha, S.L. Tejaswini, G. Vamsi Krishna and V. Rasagna
Department of ECE, K L University, AP, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 5:488-494
Received: April 27, 2015 | Accepted: May 28, 2015 | Published: October 15, 2015
Design of antennas for satellite communication applications like Global Positioning Systems, Geo Informatics Systems became crucial for real time data collection and transmission. A novel Defected Ground structure planar monopole antenna for broadcasting satellite communication applications is proposed in this study. The proposed model has a unique structure with the combination of rectangular, arrow lined and T-slotted inverted U-shaped structure as a radiating element on the topside of the substrate. The ground plane on the bottom side of the substrate consisting of a rectangular slotted defected ground structure. The designed antenna has a small overall size of 32X26X0.8 mm with polyster as a substrate material. The results show that the antenna gives monopole like radiation pattern and a good antenna gain over the operating bands. The proposed antenna performance characteristics are well suited for fixed and broad casting satellite communication applications.
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