Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Effect of Calcination on the Thermal Properties of Bricks Done From Clay-Expanded Perlite on Insulating Walls
Youssef Maaloufa, Soumia Mounir, Abdelhamid Khabbazi and Jalal Kettar
LEME, Université Mohamed V-Agdal, EST Salé, 227 Avenue Prince Héritier Sidi Mohammed Salé, Maroc
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 3:304-311
Received: August ‎8, ‎2015 | Accepted: September ‎3, ‎2015 | Published: February 05, 2016
Insulation of building envelope has become a necessity in order to reduce the energy cost, that's why, we proceeded in this study to develop materials using clay and expanded perlite by doing several studies: the first concerns the variation of volume fraction on expanded perlite and the effect of the calcination on the thermal properties of the composite clay-expanded perlite. The second is the study of the distribution of temperature inside walls composed from the composite clay-expanded perlite. In order to achieve the results wanted, this study has been divided on several steps among them the determination of the kind of clay by means of X-ray diffraction. The results show that the clay sample is mainly made up of Illite/muscovite. Then the characterization of thermal properties of clay-expanded perlite before and after calcination. The third step, is the comparison of the experimental results with analytical models of equivalent thermal conductivity. The results show that the thermal conductivity decreases by adding expended perlite and calicination from 0.51(clay alone) to 0.258 (clay-100% expanded perlite) (W/m/K). Also, the calcination decreases the depth of heat flow diffusion by 5 cm and retards the diffusion of heat flow.
Calcination, clay-expanded perlite, flash method, hot plate method, theoretical model, thermal conductivity, walls,
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