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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Impact of Solar and Microwave Oven Drying on A Few Chemical Parameters of Market Value Quality of Fermented Forastero (Theobroma Cacao L.)

1, 2Verdier N. Abouo, 1Sadat AW, 1Cl
1Laboratoire des Proc
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology   2016  4:402-406
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/rjaset.12.2379  |  © The Author(s) 2016
Received: April ‎9, ‎2015  |  Accepted: April ‎22, ‎2015  |  Published: February 25, 2016


This study aims to compare the impact of cocoa beans drying in the Microwave Oven (MO) and that made in the sunshine. This was to make 4 sets of drying tests through two devices: 30 samples for the solar drying (on tray) and 90 samples in the MO in the ratio of 30 samples per power levels (2400W, 2800 W and 3200W). Chemical parameters of quality were used for the comparative study. At the level of the volatile acidity parameter, the following value are recorded for the tray (0.62±0.03), MO 3200W (0.63±0.02), MO 2400 W (0.85±0.04) and MO 2800W (0.79±0.01). The values obtained are half less than that of the batch acceptability criteria (1-1.5 mL of 0.1N NaOH per gram of cocoa powder). The tray values (1.25±0.03); M.O 3200 W (1.25±0.03); MO 2400W (1.62±0.04) and MO 2800W (1.58±0.07) were noted for the free fatty acid test. They are smaller than the proscribed limit (1.75% of FFA oleic). Concerning the pH, are recorded for the tray (5.02±0.05) and 4.85±0.07; 4.72±0.05; 4.67±0.02 by power level assessment in the microwave oven. Only the values of dried beans on tray and MO 3200W are satisfactory. Total acidity obtained are: tray (5.47±0.02), MO 3200W (5.48±0.01), MO 2400W (5.25±0.01) and MO 2800W (5.32±0.01).


Cocoa beans , drying , microwave oven,


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