Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Segmenting Suppliers of e-commerce Transaction Brokers Case Study: Hotel Rooms Provider
1Veronica S. Moertini, 2Verliyantina, 3Chastine N. Amelinda and 4Irene Sukanto
1Department of Informatics, Parahyangan Catholic University,
2Department of R&D, Bandung, Indonesia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 5:528-536
Received: July 29, 2015 | Accepted: September 05, 2015 | Published: March 05, 2016
The aim of this study is to develop model for segmenting suppliers suitable for transaction broker e-commerce systems, specifically hotel room providers. Transaction brokers act as market intermediaries that have two types of clients, which are customers and suppliers. Hence, they must employ both electronic Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM) and electronic Supplier Relationship Management (e-SRM) such that the firms can build strong and beneficial relationships with both parties. One of the most important e-SRM functions is segmenting suppliers, where the results are used to design unique services for each segment to strengthen relationships. Our research findings are: (1) Variables suitable for segmenting suppliers; (2) data warehouse design needed for the segmentation; (3) techniques for segmenting suppliers based on their value and churn tendency. We have conducted experiments using the case study data obtained from and the results indicate that our proposed techniques have successfully segmented suppliers.
Churn prediction, clustering suppliers, electronic supplier relationship management, supplier segmentation,
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